
On Monday 10th March 2025, HCRG Workforce Solutions acquired the brands, intellectual property, and operations of Altrix Group, including TFS Healthcare and Soleus People, further securing its position as one of the UK’s top healthcare workforce solutions providers and enhances its technology offer.

It is business as usual for Altrix Group today, with Managing Director Megan Grant continuing to lead operations as part of HCRG Workforce Solutions. The businesses will temporarily be known as HCRG Altrix, HCRG TFS People, and HCRG Soleus People.

HCRG Workforce Solutions previously acquired and merged the operations of HCL, Team 24, Medicare First, and health and care services provider Sugarman Health and Wellbeing, and works with every NHS trust, as well as local authorities and private providers. Altrix Group will continue to trade under its existing brands.

Known as ‘The app-based nursing agency’, the acquisition of Altrix Group further enhances HCRG Workforce Solutions’ technology offer with benefits for candidates and clients as the business continues to grow its sustainable staffing offer.

The Sustainable staffing model sees HCRG Workforce Solutions focus on long-term partnerships which reduce costs for employers, including through managed services, staff banks, and permanent recruitment. Altrix Group’s technology is aimed at using automation to reduce costs for agencies, and in turn employers and increase flexibility and work-life balance for healthcare staff.

Gary Taylor, Group Chief Executive at HCRG Workforce Solutions said:

“Altrix Group will be a fantastic addition to our market-leading health & social care workforce solutions portfolio. The Altrix brand bringing very exciting technology which will allow us to offer our healthcare professionals increased flexibility and convenience and further enhance our sustainable staffing offer to health and care employers across the country whilst the TFS and Soleus brands bring talent and experience that will enhance our exciting businesses. This marks another landmark point in a journey of continued  growth and evolution”

Megan Grant, Managing Director of Altrix Group said:

“I’m delighted for Altrix Group to join the team at HCRG Workforce Solutions, one of the largest workforce solutions providers in health and care in the UK. The team at HCRG are a great new home for Altrix Group, committed to sustainable long-term partnerships with clients and candidates and they see and truly believe the benefit of our technology for their workforce and clients.”

Altrix Group had filed a notice of intent to appoint administrators last week, with Martyn Rickels and Anthony Collier, partners at FRP advisory appointed as joint administrators of the Company on 10 March 2025.

The pre-pack purchase by HCRG Workforce Solutions, resulted from an accelerated marketing process initiated by FRP, and secures the jobs of approximately 45 Altrix employees.